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inside market中文是什么意思

用"inside market"造句"inside market"怎么读"inside market" in a sentence


  • 内部市场
  • "inside"中文翻译    n. 1.内部,内面。 2.(道路的)内侧;(跑道的)内 ...
  • "market"中文翻译    n. 1.(尤指牲畜和食品的)集市;市场;菜市,菜场。 ...
  • "inside market data reference" 中文翻译 :    报告显示,彭博拥有33
  • "inside" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.内部,内面。 2.(道路的)内侧;(跑道的)内道,内圈。 3.内容,内心,内情;内幕情报[消息]。 4.(公共马车等的)车内乘客;车内座位。 5.期中。 6.〔口语〕内脏,肠胃。 the inside of the hand 手心。 the inside of a sidewalk 人行道内侧。 The CIA from Inside 《美国中央情报局内幕》。 know the inside of sb. 了解某人内心。 know the business from inside 完全了解这一行业。 the inside of a week 星期一至星期五。 feel a pain in one's inside 感觉肚子痛。 adj. 1.里面的,内部的,在屋里的。 2.内幕的,秘密的。 3.在室内工作的。 inside address 信纸上的姓名、地址〔信封上姓名地址之对〕。 inside diameter 内径。 inside facts 内幕,秘密。 inside information 内部情报。 For I- Circulation Only 内部传阅。 inside knowledge [story] 内情,内幕。 an inside man 内勤人员。 adv. 在内,在内部,在里面。 There is nothing inside. 里面什么也没有。 在…之内,在…里面。 step inside the gate 跨进门内。 return inside a month 一月之内回来。 inside of 〔口语〕 1. 在…以内。 2. (时间上)少于(inside of a mile 不到一英里。 inside of a week 少于一个星期)。 inside out 1. 从里面翻到外面。 2. 彻底地 (turn everything inside out 翻箱倒柜。 know a matter inside out 对一件事彻底了解)。 on the inside 从里面,在里面(The door locked on the inside. 门反锁着)。
  • "inside in" 中文翻译 :    从内往内打
  • "inside of" 中文翻译 :    在之内; 在内部
  • "on the inside" 中文翻译 :    在里面, 在内车道上, 知道内情
  • "the inside" 中文翻译 :    简繁英字幕; 重案疑云
  • "inside to inside" 中文翻译 :    杆头的轨道由内向外挥,最后又回到内侧来
  • "at market" 中文翻译 :    按市值; 市价法
  • "at the market" 中文翻译 :    按市场价执行所指令; 第9章在市场上; 在市场里; 照 市价; 照市价
  • "at-the-market" 中文翻译 :    按市价
  • "be on the market" 中文翻译 :    被供应出售
  • "in a market" 中文翻译 :    在市场上出售
  • "in the market" 中文翻译 :    在街上,还未买; 在市场上
  • "in the market for" 中文翻译 :    想买,积极物色; 要买或卖
  • "in this market" 中文翻译 :    在本地市场
  • "market" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.(尤指牲畜和食品的)集市;市场;菜市,菜场。 2.需要,销路;推销地区。 3.市价;行情,市面,市况。 4.〔美国〕食品店;〔英国〕【法律】公共市场设置权。 a cotton [stock] market棉花[股票]市场。 There is no market for that class of goods here. 那一类货物这里不需要[无销路]。 The market rose [fell] 行情俏拔[疲落]。 a sick market萧条的市面。 a swimming market 兴旺的市面。 The market is dull. 市面呆滞。 at the market照市价。 be on the long side of the market把持物品或证券以待涨价时出卖;做多头,买进期货。 bring one's eggs [hogs, goods] to the wrong [a bad] market失策,失算,失误。 bring to market= put [place] on the market出售。 bull the market(多头)大量抢购,买涨,哄买。 come into the market上市。 corner the market囤积居奇,大量买进股票[商品]使价格上涨。 engross [forestall] the market垄断市场。 feed to market 为出售而养肥(家畜等)。 find a market 找着销路。 go badly to market买[卖]吃亏。 go to market 上市场买东西;〔口语〕筹办,企图。 hold the market 垄断市场,囤积居奇。 in market 在买卖中。 in the market拿去卖;正要出售。 in the market for (某人)想买,要买。 lose one's market放过(买卖)良机。 make a market【股票】在交易所中故意买卖某企业股票,制造兴旺气象;煽动市面。 make a [one's] market of 利用,利用…赚钱,把…当做摇钱树。 make one's market 出售存货。 mar another's [one's] market搞垮别人[自己]买卖。 mend one's market改进买卖情况。 overrun one's market 因不肯脱手失去出售时机。 overstand one's market 讨价过高失去出售良机。 play the market 〔美国〕做投机买卖。 raid the market 〔口语〕使行情发生波动。 raise the market upon 〔口语〕向…要高价。 rig the market 〔口语〕操纵市场;捣乱市价。 vi. 在市场买卖,作买卖,卖,买。 vt. 在市场上出售;把…拿到市场去卖。
  • "no market" 中文翻译 :    无销路
  • "no market for" 中文翻译 :    货不通过; 货不通行, 无销路
  • "on the market" 中文翻译 :    表示场所或地点; 在市场上
  • "to market" 中文翻译 :    去市场; 上市场
  • "micrometer inside caliper; inside" 中文翻译 :    micrometer内径千分尺
  • "market-to-market" 中文翻译 :    逐日盯市”制度
  • "to market to market" 中文翻译 :    前进市场


  • Provision of attendants in public toilets inside markets
  • Thirdly , this thesis discusses some separate approaches , such as asset deals , inside market , separation with part ownership . based on the fore four chapters , this thesis makes the supplement to assets evaluation
    随后,在前四章的基础上,对社会职能分离的可能途径? ?资产交易、内部市场、控股分离等分离方式做了相应的论述,并对所涉及的资产价值的评估问题做了一定的补充。
  • Among the suggestions , the following two are emphasized : first , gradually promoting " one - to - one marketing " with the establishment and analysis of the customer database , and expanding customer relationship and customer value through customer relationship management to obtain unparalleled competitive advantages ; secondly , organizing the human resources from the marketing stand point by applying company ' s outside marketing means to its internal marketing , and improving the company employees " quality through the inside marketing
    其中重点讨论了两点:首先,在建立和分析顾客数据库的基础上,逐步推行“一对一营销” ,通过实施顾客关系管理,全方位扩充顾客关系与价值,使公司获得对手难以模仿的竞争优势;其次,将公司用于外部市场的营销手段和方法运用到公司内部,以营销学观点为基础管理组织人力资源,通过开展内部营销,提高公司的整体素质。
  • Through promoting the inside constructing ability and the specialized and subcontracting system of material and labor service supply , it wants to form an inside market in the company , which will be the base of company ’ s contracting ability and make the company agile through marketization ; at the same time , company should build its system of subcontract through forming the outside market , which will increase the company ’ s flexibility to the market
  • Jiang dong leaders decide to grasp opportunity , in the light . our country entered wto , which leaders to changes in operation circumstance , rival and xian zai industry worse , keeping present whole sy stem , second class manufacture unit is imitated privately enterprise running , establishing enterprise inside market in order to build good operation circumstances from system to mechanism for them . this method has obtained economic effects though one year test
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